Hands down, the following is my favourite problem from this school year.
I put this up on the IWB for my grade 9 applied classes, and after a brief discussion they had their problem:
When will he be able to use his iPod again?
Assume the picture was just taken (10:45 am, January 5, 2016). Off they went to work on the vertical non-permanent surfaces (VNPS) HT @alexoverwijk in their visibly random groups (VRGs) via Superteachertools HT @fawnpnguyen.Plenty of great discussion and learning about units of time, and rates. We ended up with a few different solutions, but were any of them correct?
To be honest, I doesn't matter if anyone was correct, it was just really fun to see the vast majority actively engaged in problem solving. Bonus learning: Days in each month, days in a year, weeks in a year, "what's a leap year?" and what to do if this ever happens to you.
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